About the Easy Braces™ Brush

Dr. Joseph Stofko image
Dr. Joseph Stofko, DMD

The new Easy Braces™ Brush was designed and personally tested by an Orthodontist wearing braces, Dr. Joseph A. Stofko, of Gibsonia, PA, USA. Dr. Stofko recognized the need for a more intelligent design of manual orthodontic toothbrushes after witnessing the evolution of braces oral hygiene over 20 years.

Before electric and sonic toothbrushes, most orthodontists would give the patient a toothbrush which had a continuous V-shaped groove down the middle of the brush on the day that braces were placed. The limitations of the V-shaped grooved brush are that the groove is triangular and continuous but braces are rectangular and protrude at average intervals, so a V-grooved brush is not a good fit. The protrusion of the braces causes bristles to “float” on top of the braces, which fails to make cleaning easy. The protruding nature of braces also applies to the electric and sonic brushes.

The main feature of the new Easy Braces™ brush is the special hollowed out “wells” which allow the braces to drop into the wells, causing the soft, less densely-packed bristles to reach food and bacteria plaque away from the problem areas first, with less conscious effort due to the intelligent design. Fresher breath and better oral hygiene around braces is easier because the braces are no longer inhibiting the bristles from reaching the gums and white spot areas. Electric and sonic brushes don’t feature these special wells.

The other main feature is the alignment of the 3 longer outer tufts of bristles. The brush can be flipped 90° to allow the 3 longer outer tufts of bristles to clean under the orthodontic arch wire, reducing the need for a separate and often lost cleaning instrument, the proxa-brush. The 3 longer outer tufts of bristles are more efficient than a proxa-brush in a modern world because they clean 3 interproximal spaces at once versus only 1 with a proxa-brush.

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Contact us at 1-412-638-3068
Abitibi, LLC
Gibsonia, PA 15044 USA

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